EH Forwarder Bot can receive and send WeChat information on Telegram. See EH Forwarder Bot – 在 Telegram 收发「微信」消息. It’s full doc is EH Forwarder Bot. For some reasons, I need a VPS to build the bot for me. This article is a note for the whole progress I build it.

1. Installation

My VPS OS is CentOS 6, which unfortunately not recommended by the Doc. Here are some issues and solutions.

  1. Install libopus: add a repo source, see libopus-1.0.1-1.el6.x86_64.rpm;
  2. Install libmagic: I didn’t find a good way to install libmagic alone on CentOS, but file-devel package has something necessary for programs using libmagic. See Where can I download “libmagic” for fedora
  3. Install ffmpeg: it spent me a little bit more time but also easy to solve. Just follow what How to Install FFmpeg on CentOS says. If there are some issues about dependencies, just update the system on step 1 in the article.
  4. [Tip] Don’t forget to install python34-setuptools and python34-devel, and go to /usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages/, excute python3 pip to install pip3.

After excute pip3 install -r requirements.txt, all the installments have been done.

2. Getting Started

In order to use EFB, all you should do is editing, which described in Getting Started section. However, before that, you should have setup your master channel and slave channel, which need more configuration. Just like below:

  1. Setup Telegram Master.
  2. Setup WeChat slave.

3. Something Inconvenient